Tuesday 02 April – Between the Lakes Leader: Jean Oliver

Twenty Five of us met at Herons Green for a walk between Chew Valley and Blagdon Lakes, after the planned walk at Folly Farm was cancelled due to flooding. Spring had arrived with several wild flowers in bloom, birds carrying nesting material, including Jackdaws that were making their home at the top of the Obelisk on Breach Hill, and birdsong – particularly Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps. A Red Kite was seen at the beginning of the walk; assorted tits, finches and a Treecreeper, amongst other birds along the route and, on the return leg, some of the taller birders could see the top of a Cattle Egret in a field whilst others spotted a Swallow and Sand Martin flying past. Including birds seen on the lakes we saw 55 species – and the weather stayed dry. Many thanks, Jean, for leading. Jacky Tonkin