Tuesday 09 April – Bath Skyline Leader: Graham Blacker

Seventeen members met at the overflow car park of the American Museum, a re-arranged meeting place as the original meeting point was inaccessible due to road works. Coran, a new member, met with us for the first time. Wind gusts up to 35mph and cold temperatures meant that bird sightings were fewer than usual. We were rewarded early on with a clear view of a Mistle Thrush at the top of a tree. Robins were out in force, (twelve seen or heard in total) and 15 Blackcaps were heard, (but not seen) as we wandered through Bathampton Wood. Nine Herring Gulls and seven Lesser Black-backed Gulls were gathered on Bathampton Down and four Linnets were seen in flight there. We had sightings also of four Blue Tits, one Greenfinch, three Goldfinch and one Jay. Near the end of the walk, two Great Tits were spotted courting and a single Pied Wagtail was in one of the university’s playing fields among numerous Jackdaw. The total bird count for the morning was 21 species. Thanks to Graham for leading and to Nick for the species list. Alison Hooper