
  • Dartford-Warbler - Steve Richardson

Trip Reports

  • Saturday 29 June – Crabtree Hill, Forest of Dean Leader: Robert Hargreaves Saturday June 29th, 2024

    Nine of us met at 20:00 in the Speech House car park, Forest of Dean. It was good to welcome three who were new to the group. The weather was fine and mild as we set off on our roundabout route to the top of the hill. Walking up through the trees, Siskins and Goldcrests were heard, followed by more vocal Chiffchaff and Blackcap. Later a Whitethroat added its voice. Stonechat, Stock Dove, Buzzard and Jay were all seen. We were early to arrive at the top, so we went on to look across to Cinderford, being serenaded by Song Thrushes. Arriving at 21:15 at the usual Nightjar spot we only had to wait 15 minutes before we heard our first ‘churr’. We were pleased to hear a Woodcock and a distant Tawny Owl; then the churring really got going with a few “quacks” and finally a wonderful flying display; some of our photographers managed some shots in spite of the poor light, showing the white spots on the wings and the distinctive shape. More than satisfied, at 22:30 we started back to the car park, looking out above for bats and below for the toadlets crossing our path. Our meeting finished at 23:00; everyone was very happy with the experience, it had been a great walk giving us 19 species including the very special Nightjars. Thanks to Robert for leading three meetings in succession! Anne Crowe

About BOC

Find out what the BOC does and how it can help you make the most out of your birding around Bristol and further afield.
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BTO Surveys/Local News

The BTO coordinate volunteer surveys to help monitor bird populations.

A person is needed to count both the Cleeve and the Chew Valley Heronries for 2024.
Please contact Eve Tigwell () If you can you help.

New Winter Gull Survey (WinGS) for 2023/24–2024/25
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The Avon Bird Report

The BOC helps produce the annual Avon Bird Report, which contains a detailed account of all the birds seen in the Bristol region.
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Bristol Ornithological Club

The Bristol Ornithological Club (BOC) was founded, in 1966, to promote, encourage and co-ordinate the scientific study of ornithology in all its branches in the Bristol area.

The Aims of the Club

Join BOC now

  • To publish a monthly bulletin, entitled Bird News, and a journal Bristol Ornithology. *
  • Encourage beginners in ornithology, by assistance in the field and through special indoor meetings.
  • Support and assist conservation projects by active co-operation with local organisations.
  • Promote the special study areas at Chew Valley Lake .
  • Promote field research by co-operative and individual studies.
  • Hold regular indoor and field meetings throughout the year.

* Bristol Ornithology will take the form of papers and short notes by members, and a review of that year’s events and activities. Members also receive the Avon Bird Report (published jointly with the Avon Ornithological Group) which is a systematic list report of the birds of the area).

Find out where our members have been on birding holidays
Birding Holidays