Tuesday 15 August – Sandford Wood. Leader: Graham Blacker

Despite August being a slow month for birds and Graham warning of steep and possibly muddy paths, 20 members met in the car park of the Railway Inn. Our route took us up into Sandford Wood, then Lyncombe Wood and through the grounds of the Ski Centre (Mendip Activity Centre) where elevenses were enjoyed. Then along tracks to Pylewell and back via Sandford Batch. Birds were hard to find but we were compensated by many lovely flowers and butterflies. Eventually the group recorded 32 species, of which my highlight was a flock of Swallows stocking up on food for their migration flight. The group also located Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, and Peregrine as well as Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers. Of the smaller birds, the group’s list included Blackcap, Nuthatch, Bullfinch and Spotted Flycatcher. Many thanks to our leader Graham for a lovely rain-free morning and to Alan for his bird list. Beth Yates