Tuesday 11 June – Backwell Lake Leaders: Sue and John Princ

It was a fine cool morning with some sun and a light breeze. Twenty birdwatchers enjoyed a circuit of the lake, where we saw a Little Egret, a Grey Heron, Mallard, Gadwall, Moorhen, and Coots with a nest. Blackcaps sang, a Cetti’s Warbler and Chiffchaffs were prominent. The Mute Swans still have six cygnets but the Canada Goose goslings appear to have been predated (by a Pike?). Dru was lucky enough to see a Peregrine high up. Following lanes to Backwell Bow, we crossed fields by the Blind Yeo river. Here were lots of low flying House Martins and Swallows. A distant Yellowhammer was seen. We were lucky to spot a Green Woodpecker flying up to a rooftop before undulating away. Other birds of note on the walk included three Mistle Thrushes on the hill near The Perrings, two Buzzards, three Goldcrests, two Greenfinches, Goldfinches, and a Linnet. A lovely walk in quiet countryside. Thanks to Nick for keeping the list for us. (Thanks to Sue and John for leading). Sue and John Prince