Saturday 01 June – Stockhill Woods Leader: Graham Blacker

On a glorious sunny morning albeit with a chilly wind four birders joined Graham, two of whom were attending a BOC trip for the first time. A Red Kite was spotted before we set off, which boded well. We crossed the road to the Mineries and recorded both Meadow and Tree Pipit. There was also Stonechat, Reed Bunting, Willow and Reed Warbler. The route took us past the headquarters of the Bristol Exploration Club and back across the Mineries. he usual suspects were seen or heard such as Magpie, Buzzard, Wren, Chiffchaff, Coal, Blue and Great Tit,
Treecreeper, Blackcap and Whitethroat, but sadly only six Swallows. We had a quick walk in the woods and added a few more species. We saw a number of butterflies when we were in sheltered spots and a small basking lizard. In total Graham recorded 30 species. Many thanks to him for a great morning. Beth Yates