Tuesday 30 April – Puxton Moor Leader: Gareth Roberts

Twenty walkers met by the church with its leaning tower for a walk round Avon Wildlife Trust’s Puxton Moor reserve. The cold wind initially had the birds keeping their heads down, but it settled and the sun brought some warmth. Leaving the village a flock of 13 Canada Geese flew over, and four Swallows in the distance. Along the road approaching the reserve we heard the first of eight Reed Warblers. Sedge Warblers were newly arrived and we heard four, with a brief glimpse of two in the wind. There were also five Cetti’s Warblers and six Reed Buntings, one giving very good views. A Cormorant was trying out one of the new design pylons. Six Skylarks were seen and heard. Two Bullfinches were heard calling, and briefly seen, along the tree-lined lane, where we
had song from Chiffchaff, Blackcap, and Chaffinch. A sunny interval brought an early Hairy Dragonfly. A number of tracks were seen in the soft mud of the bridleway by the river, including Grey Heron, badger, deer, and, best of all, otter. Nearby a Lesser Whitethroat sang, and one of three Green Woodpeckers flew low over an ant hill field. In all we had 38 bird species. Thanks to Graham for the bird list, and to Simon Reece for the mud print expertise. (Thanks to Gareth for leading) Gareth Roberts