Tuesday 27 Sept – Wapley Bushes Leader: Alan Daniells

There was a real Autumnal chill to the air, and the sun remained hidden behind heavy clouds. Despite the unpromising conditions we had a turn-out of 24 members, two of them wearing shorts! Wapley Bushes is a small reserve owned by the local parish council and managed by volunteers, that provides a variety of valuable habitats for wildlife and green space for local people. It was interesting to see how one area had been transformed from allotments into established woodland over a matter of a few decades. It was a fairly quiet day for birds, and we certainly heard more birds than we saw. Several Goldcrests proved elusive, but we did see the distinctive flight of a Green Woodpecker, which conveniently landed in the upper branches of a bare tree. In the meadows, the botanists amongst us were able to identify several wildflowers, still present after mowing. The bird total was a modest 20 species, but the reserve is clearly a place worth another visit, perhaps earlier in the year. Thanks to Alan for leading the walk and recording the bird count, and to all present for their great company. Tim Fell