Tuesday 27 November – Wain’s Hill and Clevedon Pill Leader: Peter Holbrook

Clevedon was windy, overcast with a hint of drizzle as 19 members set off along the promenade towards Wain’s
Hill. Half a dozen Turnstones were seen as well as at least 90 Black-headed Gulls. As we moved on to Poets’
Walk, Blue and Long-tailed Tits were seen and heard and a solitary Jay was sitting in an Ash tree. A Nuthatch
was heard and then seen behind us. As we walked through the woodland, Robin, Wren, Dunnock and Blackbird
were added to the list. As we approached the headland two Goosanders were paddling furiously below us, and a
small flock of 12 Oystercatchers flew low over the water. The sky was darkening and the promised heavy rain
looked likely as we stopped for coffee and also to see about 50 Redshanks feeding at the water’s edge at the
outlet of the Blind Yeo. A flock of 40 Fieldfares appeared and a few Shelducks were seen. We walked along the
Blind Yeo for a short distance as the weather worsened and the walk was shortened as the rain came in. A Grey
Heron sat across the river and a lone Grey Wagtail was added to the list. A few lucky folk had a fleeting glimpse
of a Merlin on the riverbank. By the time we got back to the parked cars the rain was heavy. Nevertheless we had
a good, if shorter than planned, stroll and chalked up 35 species. Thanks to Peter for leading. Mark Watson