Tuesday 23 July – Frampton on Severn Leader: Alistair Fraser

Twenty-one of us birders met in a car park in Frampton on Severn. The weather was dull with a threat of rain. Luckily we had only light drizzle for a few minutes and the morning ended in bright sunshine. The habitat was varied consisting of a sailing lake and pool, mature trees, hedgerows, open grassland and fields of wheat and beautiful wild flowers. On leaving the car park we heard a Song Thrush, but were unable to see him amongst the leaves. We spent some time by the sailing lake where we saw four Cormorants, three Common Terns, two Oystercatchers, a Grey Wagtail, Moorhen, Black-headed Gull, and a Lesser Black-backed Gull struggling to eat what could have been a large worm or an elver. Amazingly, he managed to gobble it whole. We then walked the
perimeter of the Frampton Estate and Lake. Swallows and House Martins flew over head, we heard a Cetti’s Warbler, saw Nuthatch, 20 Jackdaws, 50 Rooks, two Whitethroats, two Blackcaps, Buzzard, a Jay, six House Sparrows, Wren, and a Blackbird, a Blue Tit and six Goldfinches. Towards the end of the walk at the far end of the lake there were 48 Mute Swans, a Little Grebe, a Mallard, two Great Crested Grebes, 16 Greylag Geese and four Barnacle Geese. A Greenfinch was heard when we returned to the car park making a total count of 40 species. Thanks to Alastair for leading a very splendid walk. Joyce Donkor