Tuesday 23 April – Marshfield Leader: Chris Perry

Our party of 29 were mostly prepared for the chilly north wind that saw us zipping up our coats and fleeces good and tight. An obliging Corn Bunting stayed on its wire until we’d trooped over the road up the lane and could stand virtually beneath it. Skylark started to sing, a couple of Swallows headed east over the track and many Rooks and Carrion Crows could be heard up ahead. Another Corn Bunting stayed on its perch for us to admire, while a couple of Chaffinch trilled from Culverslade Farm and more Skylarks sang and chased around the fields. The first of the Buzzards appeared, suitable escorted by a corvid or three. A distant Yellowhammer was good to see as were the ones we found at the coffee stop on Rushmead Lane. A wander to and from Tormarton Road saw a couple of Red-legged Partridges scuttle up the hedge line before being lost to sight. Deer and a Brown Hare were an added attraction and by the turn, up to seven Yellowhammers and many Linnets had been counted and seen. The local Red Kite put in an appearance as did a Sparrowhawk and a Kestrel. Nearly back, we caught site of a pair of Ravens hedge hopping over the fields heading west. Many thanks to Chris for leading. Nick Hawkridge