Tuesday 06 August – Sodbury Common Leader: Alan Daniell

Sixteen of us set off on a fine sunny morning, House Sparrows chirping away as we approached the Common. Starlings and Wood Pigeons on nearby wires quietly watched us cross the cattle grid and a Green Woodpecker welcomed us noisily. Our leader called us to the gate overlooking the adjoining golf course where we enjoyed excellent views of a Mistle Thrush, posing perfectly on a grassy mound, a mere pitching wedge away. Following the western edge of the Common, the going became quite tricky at times where the ground had been heavily poached by the huge herd of bullocks we were about to encounter. The small trees and bushes along the fringe held plenty of interest, including Common Whitethroat, Great and Long-Tailed Tits and Chiffchaff. A Peregrine was heard and seen by at least one of us. At coffee time, House Martins were racing around and a Grey Heron drifted slowly across behind us. Returning across the middle of the Common into a fresh breeze, the absence of Skylarks had been noted when several obligingly appeared. A distant corvid was revealed by telescope to be a Rook. A certain member, spotting a patch of prickly vegetation, announced [predictably] “this’ll be where we see Goldfinches”. He was right. Our departure from the Common was marked by the same Green Woodpecker, and four Mallard seen on the stream near the cars took the total species to 32. An excellent walk in a great location.
Many thanks to Alan for leading. Colin Hawkins