Tuesday 04 June – Sand Point Leader: Nick Hawkridge

Overcast, with rain in the air, but the beauty of this area could not be diminished. A Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Whitethroat were heard up the path but no Stonechat at the trig point. A fresh, west wind whipped about us but only a couple of Shelducks and a few large gulls showed in the bay. Swallows and Swifts appeared as we filed down the path, with a good showing of Linnets and Stonechats. A few Whitethroats sang, as did Goldfinches and Dunnocks, but the Rock Pipit remained silent as it parachuted down behind the cliff face. Another Rock Pipit showed at the coffee stop and fortunately the mizzle gave up, allowing some Skylark s to ascend and sing, and a
little further along Middle Hope some Swallows were noted zipping over the grass. We bade farewell to two of our party of 13 at the stile and in sight of the Priory heard our first Lesser Whitethroat. More early finishers departed and the remaining seven ate our lunch overlooking the mud at the mouth of the River Banwell and sheltering behind the pier from a brief rain shower. Back up along the grass beside St Thomas’s Head; here the party again divided, the others to return via the direct route and some of us to cross the field system to the coast. We heard
more of the same warbler species and enjoyed our buffeting in the strengthening wind. A total of 30 species were seen or heard. (Many thanks to Nick for leading.) Nick Hawkridge