Sunday 21 July – Lower Woods, Wickwar Leader: Linda Moysey

Seven of us met to explore the largest area of ancient woodland in the South West. The weather was overcast to start so we did not see as many butterflies as expected, but numbers were also clearly down too, as has been noticed in many places this summer. Marsh Tit and Nuthatch showed well as we parked our cars. The walk down to the Little Avon River was still quite muddy which shows how well this area holds moisture and supports the amazing wildflowers that we saw. Groups of Coal Tit flitted about, with several more Marsh Tits and also Great Spotted Woodpeckers heard. At least two groups of Spotted Flycatchers were around, including one who
obligingly sat out in the open to allow the group good views. Butterflies became more active as it warmed up, with two Silver-Washed Fritillaries showing nicely at the end. A total of 28 bird species and eight butterfly species were seen. Many thanks to Linda for leading and to Mark Coller for sharing his expertise about all things natural with us. Nick Page