Saturday 31 August – Goldcliff Lagoons Leader: Peter Bryant

Swallows and House Martins were flying overhead as we arrived at Goldcliff. A dozen members enjoyed dry and fair weather although conditions were not ideal as a couple of the pools had dried out completely and the tide was out. The walk started with a pair of Stonechats perched on a fence and a fly-past Marsh Harrier. Monks Lagoon held three Herons but little else although a Red Kite flew over as we were leaving the Curlew Hide. Views from the hide overlooking the deeper pools revealed a range of ducks including Teal and Shoveller as well as a Little Grebe. A hovering Kestrel greeted us at Avocet Hide. Initially disappointed by the lack of water in Priors Lagoon, we hit the jackpot with both Wheatear and Whinchat being seen, both giving good views. Venturing to the sea wall, two Whimbrels were found, with Curlews and Shelduck for company, and another Wheatear was spotted on the seawall fence. A Sparrowhawk flew close over our heads. The walk back to the carpark was interrupted by sightings of several migrant warblers including Lesser Whitethroat. A Southern Hawker dragonfly stopped long enough for a photograph. (Thanks to Peter for leading) Peter Bryan