Saturday 25 May – Tintern, Angidy Trail Leader: Graham Blacker

A glorious sunny day saw six of us set off from the car park, where already we had spotted a pair of Grey Wagtails. As we climbed up into the wood above the river we were regaled by numerous songbirds: Song Thrush, Blackcap, Wren, Robin, and Dunnock, all singing almost constantly and from all sides! A Goldcrest burst into song by the path. As we came up to a waterfall where Graham had seen Dippers fledging very recently there was no sign of them, but there was a Grey Wagtail. Up on the pond were numerous Demoiselles and a pair of Mallards. Stock Doves were calling to each other in the further woods and as we emerged there were Swallows above. A Cockchafer Beetle was seen nestled on a path-side plant. Returning down the river we were followed by the sound of Nuthatches and many more Wrens. Emerging onto a road there was a comment from Graham that we hadn’t seen any Buzzards and with perfect timing three were seen wheeling high above in the blue sky. A walk full of industrial history and, of course, birds. In total 25 species were seen but it seemed more because they never stopped singing! Thank you Graham for leading this lovely walk. Sue Black