Tuesday 13 August – Lower Woods Leader: Jean Oliver

There was a healthy turnout of 17 members. It had been a while since I’d been out with the Tuesday group, and it was great to reconnect with the friendly folk. A distant Raven got the bird count off to a good start. We set off from the car park down a lovely woodland path. There weren’t many birds but there were lots of interesting wildflowers. The group stopped several times to admire butterflies, the star being a magnificent Silver-Washed Fritillary. Those at the front of the group were lucky enough to see a Slow Worm, before it retreated into the undergrowth. A Buzzard was heard and then seen, so the criteria for stopping for refreshments had been met. After our break we were then out into open countryside, with picturesque views over Hawkesbury Common. Beautiful Demoiselles, plus Muntjac and Roe Deer were seen as we crossed the fields. For the last stretch, we were back in the woods, where Bullfinch and Marsh Tit were seen by a lucky (or perhaps just more observant) few. In total, 23 species of bird were seen, plus several other notable species. Lower Woods is well worth visiting – I’ll be back! Thanks to Jean for leading the walk, to Alan for recording the species count, and to all present for their great company. Tim Fell