Saturday 10 August – Clevedon Pill Leader: Jane Cumming

Seven of us set off around the little harbour on an overcast and windy morning that did not bode well for passerines, and we searched in vain for small birds around the salt marsh. However, a Common Sandpiper was seen from the slipway and we scanned 70 Black-headed Gulls hoping for a Mediterranean Gull, with no success. 68 Mallards in their drab eclipse plumage drifted along the muddy creeks, and we had to look twice to identify one young Shelduck on its own. Three Dunlins were off and away, seen only in flight. There was a small roost of Little Egrets close to
the Blind Yeo, which held seven Moorhens but nothing else. On along the shoreline, with great views of a Rock Pipit; down to Dowlais where the pool was dry, as usual in summer; then along the hedgerow which produced a Whitethroat or two amongst the Blue Tits; and beyond to the gate overlooking the River Kenn. Here at least you can be sure to find birds: a Grey Heron, more Shelducks and Mallard, and the wader roost holding 20 Oystercatchers, 37 Curlews and 38 Redshanks. On returning to the Pill we were surprised to find at least 30 Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Kestrels, one Swallow, one Chiffchaff and two Linnets took the species total to 34. Many
thanks to Rob Hargreaves for keeping the score. (Thanks to Jane for leading.) Jane Cumming