Saturday 22 June – Marshfield Leader: Robert Hargreaves

This was the standard walk from Marshfield, down the chest-high grass of Northfield Lane, on to Rushmead Farm, and back by Rushmead Lane. This walk was on a beautiful sunny evening. There was lots of song from Corn Buntings, Skylarks and Yellowhammers all the way through. A very distant Red Kite was caught in a telescope. Swifts, Swallows and House Martins were in small numbers along with lots of Starlings, two Pied Wagtails and three finches, Chaffinch, Linnet and Goldfinch. Treats were a Sparrowhawk going through low near the barn on Rushmead Lane, two Red-legged Partridges calling, and a Little Owl on top of the shed opposite Northfield Lane.
One Little Owl was photographed in a square hole in the wall. Moving on to Down Road, a Barn Owl was seen prowling against the darkening sky, a Red-legged Partridge heard, and a Quail said “wet”, which was a bit brief. 26 species, a three mile walk, a beautiful sunset, and good company. (Thanks Robert for leading.) Robert Hargreaves