Tuesday 30 July – Clevedon/Walton Common Leader: Judy Copeland

The heat put off a lot of people, rising to 26C+ and making it very hot in full sun, and we clocked in with 12 of us. Up on the golf course were a dozen or so Herring Gulls and two Lesser Black-backed, a Pheasant and some Jackdaws, also Blue and Long-tailed Tits, and Bullfinch was heard. No Swallows at the cottages, but some later over the fields. We then fought the brambles on the path between the golf course and the coast, [which the leader had tried to battle with on the recce], seeing very few birds but several Gatekeeper butterflies and a Speckled Wood. Once out in the field for coffee break we could enjoy the swirling House Martins and the Goldfinches and Greenfinches in the trees around the garden over the wall and Buzzard and Raven were heard
overhead. From the coast path, nice and shady, we could hear the lapping of the incoming tide and spot the odd Herring Gull and three Black-headed Gulls, then make out an Oystercatcher on the rocks close to the water, then another more obvious one further on. There was a Song Thrush in the next field. At Walton Common Ian alerted us to the calls of Treecreeper (he eventually saw two), Nuthatch, Goldcrest and Coal Tit. Yaffling Green  Woodpeckers were a feature of the walk and two young Robins were seen. Thanks to Graham for keeping the bird list – 34 species. (Thanks to Judy for leading) Judy Copeland