Tuesday 25 June – Saltford Leader: Robert Hargreaves

On a hot midsummer morning 26 of us met at St Mary’s Church Saltford for a beautiful three mile walk, a Buzzard hanging high in the sky above us. As we set off along back lanes down to the marina a Great Spotted and a Green Woodpecker were seen and Chiffchaffs were heard. At the marina we watched a Grey Wagtail looking for food on astroturf in the play area and we were treated to a great view of a Grey Heron flying up the river in front of us. Our walk took us back along The Shallows. Many birds were sensibly keeping in the shade but one Jackdaw was seen perched on a chimney pot panting, head flung back and bill gaping open. We continued following the river seeing Swifts, a Red Kite directly overhead with the sun shining through its wings, and an
impressive group of Crows perched high in the tops of trees. We stopped for a break at The Jolly Sailor (we resisted the temptation to go in!) before making our way back along the sides of fields. An enjoyable if somewhat hot morning’s walk. Thanks Robert for leading again. Gill Phillips