Thirty-four members gathered at Folly Farm on a warm October day to be briefed on how to plant the 1,100 new trees funded by the club as our main 50th anniversary conservation project. Some very experienced gardeners seemed a little surprised to be told that they had been using a spade incorrectly for too many years to mention, but the resulting twin lines of two foot high saplings and the lack of any recourse to the first aider was a very satisfactory outcome. After lunch in the outdoor classroom, a small group completed the protective stock-fencing while the remaining dozen were given a guided tour by Joe McSorley from AWT. We were treated to a potted history of the site, a wide selection of fungi, and several mixed flocks of finches including Siskin. From the top of the hill we looked down on two Buzzards reeling around. A Raven flew over during the planting session. Green Woodpeckers were heard but not seen. The fields contained many ant hills just waiting to be attacked. I recorded only 17 species but the main purpose of the day was the hedge planting, so thanks for the great turnout. Mark Watson and Mike Landen coordinated our efforts and Ken Caruthers set up the project. Keith Williams
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