22 members set off along a footpath past the allotments to enter a wide field. On the distant church spire was a Peregrine Falcon, difficult to pick out with binoculars but clearly seen through Alan’s scope. A Green Woodpecker called and Dunnock, Wren, Goldfinch and Jay were heard or seen. The path led through woodland where Nuthatch and Coal Tit were added to the list. In the next field were Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Long-tailed Tits, and Jay with Chiffchaff singing loudly. At the lake area were Cormorants perched high in the trees above, and on the lake were Mallards, Canada Geese, Coot, Moorhen and Mute Swans which were nesting on the island. A Redwing was seen among the ivy on a tree, feasting on the berries. Our coffee break at this point was interrupted by a sudden and heavy downpour, so the few with full waterproofs had made the right choice! Once the downpour had ceased we walked along the main path hoping to see the Dipper without any luck, though Grey Wagtails were seen. At Stoke Park were more Chiffchaff and a Little Grebe was heard calling. From the trees came the wheezing call of Greenfinch and the more melodious sound of the Song Thrush. A Buzzard soared overhead. 39 species were counted. Thanks to Alan for keeping the bird list and Richard Scantlebury for leading us. Di Bunnis
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