Tuesday 14 May – Tintern, Angidy Trail Leader: Graham Blacker

Seventeen members met to walk the trail. From the car park we saw a very pale Buzzard. We set off up a very steep path and we heard Song Thrush all the way to the top. We entered Glyn Woods and we heard Goldcrest, 12 Nuthatch, Goldfinch, Blackcap and more Song Thrushes. We stopped by a pond and two of us were extremely lucky to see a Dipper whiz over the water and down the waterfall, then it flew back 15 minutes later for all to see. Out of the woods and along to the next pond we saw two beautiful Grey Wagtails. We stopped for lunch on a stone wall overlooking the larger of the two ponds, again seeing Grey Wagtails and again serenaded by Song Thrush. We lost one member who had gone off following Stock Dove but he soon found us again.. We didn’t get to see any Goshawk but it was a fabulous walk. Thanks to Graham for leading. Caron Thornton-Trippit