Tuesday 10 September- Folly Farm Leader: Jean Oliver

Fifteen members gathered at Folly Farm. It was an extremely windy day but dry and overcast. We set off at 10:00 into Folly Wood along a barked path. Not many sighting of birds but we heard a few Blue Tits and Robins. At 11:00 more people joined us. We were all excited to see a bird at last, a Green Woodpecker gave us a few flights from some trees. We had a fantastic view of a Roe Deer lying by the hedge, but still not many birds. We could hear the odd Chiffchaff along the way and there were beautiful views of Chew Valley Lake. Quite a few Crows, Ravens and Gulls were overhead on the open fields as we made our way down the hill, again great views of the Lake and
seeing a few House Martins and Swallows. We walked through a wood and came across an opening where Alastair shouted ‘Red Kite above’. A raptor at last. Here we also viewed a large pine tree full of Long-tailed Tits, Blue Tits and Chiffchaffs, the most birds we had viewed so far. Ian collected some mushrooms for tea and Jean found some blue looking fungi called Wood Blewit (Collybia Nuda). It was a great walk in lush green fields, woods and muddy paths. We started with 15 got up to 20 then three left but we got back safely with 17 and only one stumble. Thanks to Jean for leading. Caron Thornton Trippit