Tuesday 09 July – Eastville Park Leader: Rich Scantlebury

Fourteen birders set out without their delayed leader. Starlings and two varieties of gull, Lesser Black-backed and Herring, and a Sparrowhawk were seen and Blackcaps and Chiffchaff were singing as we carried on down the hill where Rich met us at the bottom. A Song Thrush was singing loudly as we approached the Lake to find Coots and Moorhens with small families and a Grey Heron having a wash and brush up in the shallows of the first island. Many Mallards and Feral Pigeons and 22 Mute Swans made up the main contingent on the Lake though there
was a single Pink-footed Goose, probably an escapee. Three lucky members at the back of the group saw a pair of Kingfishers feeding their fledgling on the second island. Heading for our coffee stop across the river from a Kingfisher nest site, we heard both Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker. On the return journey four Swifts zoomed overhead and we clocked up the only Robin of the day. Thanks to Graham for the bird list and thanks to Rich for leading. Alan Craddock