Sunday 12 May – Ham Wall Leader: Nick Page

Five of us met in the car park on a lovely morning and were surprised at how much the reserve had dried out after the recent flooding. Some members went on the Bristol Naturalist?s walk that was also happening that day. We bumped into each other a few times and shared our sightings. Ham Wall is alive with birds in the spring and gives a good opportunity to learn the different bird songs. Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Garden Warblers sang near the car park and a sunbathing Grass Snake gave good views too. Great White Egrets and many other water birds were present as always, including Pochard and Pintail, and we heard some Bittern booming. A distant Hobby chased the local dragonflies and a Cuckoo called but did not show itself. A mystery squirrel like mammal was seen and on the way back we saw a Mink swimming. (Thanks to Nick for leading.) Nick Page