Sunday 08 September – Oldbury Power Station Leader: Di Bunniss

Despite the dire forecast of heavy rain, the eight of us gathered had a very dry and sunny morning. The first stop was at the lake where we watched the Coots, Moorhens, Cormorant and one Little Grebe. Walking around the reed beds we heard Chiffchaff, Robin, Green Woodpecker and Great Spotted Woodpecker. Once in sight of the river we saw Herons and Little Egrets while one of the group saw a Whinchat perched on a tall shrub. Reaching the coastal path we saw more Little Egrets and an excellent view of a Peregrine Falcon flying down from the tall buildings of the Power Station and swooping over the river. Later in the walk we saw three Peregrines together having a playful battle in the sky. They seemed to be favouring the area around the tall Power Station building. A flock of mixed House Martins and Swallows were flying over the fields feeding, unperturbed by the Peregrines. Walking a short way down the Coastal path we heard and saw a small flock of Turnstones and Little Plovers that settled on the rocky edge of the river. Then the most exciting sighting, a Common Scoter was seen a short distance from shore, heading down river. Once we had all had a good look and discussed this, we returned to the path around the Power Station, past the reed beds and the small pool where more Chiffchaff were heard, and so back to the cars. A lovely morning of good company and excellent bird watching.
(Thanks to Di for leading) Di Bunniss