Tuesday 24 September – Tickenham Leaders: Jan Pridie and Lois Pryce

Eleven walkers met during a lucky interlude of mild and still weather after days of torrential rain, and it was generally reasonable underfoot. Overlooking Tickenham and Nailsea Moors, we saw a Hobby, Buzzards and Kestrels, Great White and Little Egret with Rooks, Grey Herons and Stonechat, and hundreds of Black-headed Gulls on flooded areas with Herring Gulls and Mallards. The Yeo was fuller than we’d ever seen it, racing along and breaching its embankments to flood lower ground at one point, with Cetti’s Warbler and Great Spotted Woodpecker and Swallows
over the meadows. Single Black-headed and Common Gulls were seen on the golf course. In the woods were Green Woodpeckers, Chiffchaffs, many Jays hustling for acorns, and Tits including Coal and Long-tailed. And singing Robins were everywhere – heard but not seen! At Cadbury Camp were Meadow Pipits and Skylarks, a tree full of Greenfinches, Mistle Thrushes, and Raven above. Total species, 40. (Thanks to Jan and Lois for leading.)  Lois Pryce