Saturday 14 September – Sodbury Common Leader: Peter Bryant

Just six of us, including a new member, enjoyed a walk around CSC in fine and dry weather. We spotted a bright Chiffchaff as we passed the Golf Club entrance but the Common itself was inexplicably quiet (the warblers reported the day before had seemingly moved on). The most numerous birds were Goldfinches – a ‘charm’ of c80 flew around us as we walked. Notable birds overhead included a Grey Heron, four Ravens, a distant Buzzard and a Mute Swan (which is not that typical for CSC). Three small birds flying over our heads were Meadow Pipits. A Green Woodpecker, a Jay and half a dozen Skylark were spotted before we finished with an (unsuccessful) hunt for Yellow Wagtails amongst the cows. Nevertheless, a pleasant walk. (Thanks to Peter for leading) Peter Bryant